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Lines Drawing for Because She Cares

Artful Knowledge Translation

Integrated Knowledge Translation and Mobilization (IKTM)


Poetry Anthology

Poetry Anthology

The anthology is a collection of poetry by the Narrators of Because She Cares that is centred around key themes on HIV and work from the perspective of ACB women living with HIV.

Electronic versions are available in English and French on this website.

For a print copy of the anthology or for more information, please contact us at



We launched a spoken word play to share poems from the anthology amongst AIDS service, social service and community health organizations, and people living with HIV.

ACB community members, all of whom have worked in AASOs, have been trained as performers. The play has been performed at three AASO sponsored events in Toronto and a recent performance at the UN Commission's sixty-third session on the Status of Women (CSW63) in New York City.

Since 2018, we have performed the play at two (2) public events and three (3) AASO sponsored events including a performance at the sixty-third session on the UN Commission's Status of Women (CSW63) conference in New York City.



In collaboration with study participants (i.e., the Narrators), we “retold” their stories as poems. To mobilize the Narrators’ poetic teachings, we translated them into a series of twelve (12) short films.

These films illustrate salient themes around HIV service employment as (un)caring work and recommends how to make their employment more supportive of their well-being (a.k.a. care-full work) as employees in Canadian AASOs and as racialized women living with HIV.

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Thank you to 7.10 Stories for website design assistance and to Lyndsay Moir for your lovely illustrations. 

© 2021. Because She Care

Original Design by Vijaya Chikermane & Lori Chambers  ·  Web Design  Assistance by Dena Testa Bray

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